Steinberg – Cubase Pro v13.0.20 x64 – DAW

Steinberg – Cubase Pro v13.0.20 x64 – DAW


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Cubase 13 Pro is a digital audio workstation software developed by Steinberg. It offers a range of powerful tools to support the music production process, from recording, editing, mixing, to project organization and music sharing 12. The software is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems 23.

Some of the new features in Cubase 13 Pro include support for high resolution velocity, CC, aftertouch, pitch bend, and poly pressure data, making it ready for the widespread adoption of MIDI 2.0 4. The software also includes a range of advanced audio processing tools, such as spectral comparison EQ, voice leveler, and more 1.

If you are interested in learning more about Cubase 13 Pro, you can check out the official documentation on the Steinberg website 1. They offer a range of tutorial videos on YouTube as well as quick and easy access to all the relevant manual resources on 1.

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